Full Moon on Stage 2022
1. Annet X - Spicylicious
2. EABS - Global Warning
3. God and Eve - Dear Dairy
4. Squid - Narrator ft. Martha Skye Murphy
5. Dingo - Bowl of Beans
6. Obligatne - Žena
7. Genuine Jacks - Feel (feat. Lazer Viking)
8. Vellocet Roll - Maidens' Castles
9. Fvck_Kvlt - Skurvensko I.
10. sinks - cosmonauts
11. The Sweet Release of Death - Sick Girl
12. Edúv syn - Life Is Brutal
13. MMNK - Město
14. Etceteral - Viking
15. Dukla - Dny
16. Margo - Černá kniha (live)
17. Amelie Siba - For Good
18. Šimanský & Niesner - Stalin Plaza
19. Tamara - Dobrou
released June 27, 2022
compilation: Michal
mastering: Amak Golden, Golden Hive Studios
cover art: Carton Clan
Děkujeme všem skupinám a labelům za poskytnutí skladeb.
Thanks to all bands and labels for providing the songs.
Kompilace Full Moon on Stage 2022 vychází v rámci projektu Full Moon Forum, který v roce 2022 podporuje Ministerstvo kultury ČR.
This compilation Full Moon on Stage 2022 releasing by Full Moon Forum project which was supported by The Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.
Full Moon magazine, 2022